
What is Compositing? How to achieve compositing in DaVinci Resolve?


It is an art of merging two or more than two images into a single image. It can be done on-set and in camera or during postproduction. It can be done in various way but the common one which we all are familiar is putting the reporter on the green screen and weather details behind it during weather news.

The weather forecast uses a Green Screen and So Can You

Breakdown of green screen in DaVinci Resolve

In this tutorial, I will explain how to we combine the dancing lady on the green screen with any other background video using DaVinci Resolve.


  1. Firstly, take any green screen footage, here i have taken a lady dancing on the green screen.

2. Select the background video where you want to place the subject

3. Select the music in mp3 for the final video.

4. Import all the footage and audio in DaVinci Resolve

5. Place the green footage on Video 1, background video on Video 2 and Audio on Audio 1.

6. Edit the green footage on Color tab. Use Qualifier tool and select the Picker in Selection Range. Pick the green background.

7. Now, you will see a mask footage. Click right screen as shown in the image, add an Alpha Output and link node (Blue) to each other.

8. As you can see the green screen has been deleted and overlaid with the background. But you may see some small green particles on the screen.

9. To delete those small green particles, change the number accordingly until you find the best results in Matte Finesse.

10. Add your songs on Audio 1 and you will get your result.

Here is the result of the above dancing lady on green screen after editing on DaVinci Resolve.

To sum up, it is very easy to add any background footage on any green screen footage with the above steps using DaVinci Resolve. All you need is practice, practice, and practice!

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Thank You! Happy Editing 😊

Company’s Secret for A/B Testing

A/B testing is a process of randomly placing two or more variables of a marketing campaign in a different audience to find the maximum number of engagements and impressions among the customers.

The three examples of companies that have successfully used A/B testing are:


WallMonkeys is a company that sells a unique and diverse range of wall designs for homes and businesses. WallMonkeys wanted to have CTR and conversion. They changed their stock-style image with appealing images on their homepage which provided the idea of satisfaction from WallMonkeys’s products among the visitors. After A/B testing, they found that their newly designed website had a 27% of conversion rate over that of the old website

Electronic Arts

Electronic Arts is a video game company that provides PC, mobile, and console games. Electronic Arts released a game called SimCity 5 and wanted to increase their sales revenue through conversions. Hence, they optimized different versions of the sales page to determine an increase in sales. They created two versions of the sales page one with the 20% off on pre-orders and another without it. After running A/b testing, they found that the page without incentive performed 40% better than others. Similarly, 50% of the game’s sales were digital.


Humana is an American- based company that provides health insurance to the people. Humana tested two different banners with headlines and CTA on their homepage to determine which flags provide more CTR. The first banner had a lot of tests, the numbers in the headline and CTA as “Shop Medicare Plans” and the second banner had fewer tests with CTA as “ Get Started Now” with different images and colors. After A/B testing, they found that banners with less text and CTA with images increased by 433%.

In a nutshell, A/B testing provides an idea to construct a hypothesis and the marketing campaign’s success before the product launch. It also provides insights to make changes to customers while collecting data.


Across the world, Hideo is waking up in the land of the rising sun thinking it is a normal day, little does he know that the world is going to change around him. He put on the tv to double back on what had been going on in the world. Aside from Afghanistan starting to burn in its own turmoil, there seemed to be something else that was taking over the world. With the steady depletion of oxygen levels around the world, governments are to deploy a service where people can procure these oxygen tanks till, they die at a subsidy rate for agreeing to donate their bodies to the government for organ harvest. This was a clear-cut motive of harvesting organs and earning money in the process to keep the treasuries brim. Hideo could not believe what he was seeing but put it through the thought process of what is to lose for a person to donate their body when they die? The pros overweighted the cons by millions. Something did not sit right with Hideo as he thought there had to be a catch. He turned off the tv with no afterthought but already gleaning over the fact that with the rise of technology, life has been affected as to how people live their lives and how governments and political agenda progresses through various iterations of future-proofing to get what they want from the people to thrive.
Well at this point, Hideo can only assume as to why the government plan something sinister has a legal organ racketeering and mask it up for purposes of financing oxygen tanks that people would never say no to. Well, only time will tell…

The Top 3 Restaurants in Thunder Bay, Canada

Restaurants in Thunder Bay are progressively recognizing the varied skills of the city’s residents, providing food from across the world with a northern Canadian touch. The abundance of farms and clean lakes in this area are helping to foster a flourishing locavore sector. Here are some of the best places to eat in Thunder Bay, ranging from modern gastropubs to long-standing neighbourhood classics.


Caribou serves a sophisticated North American food in a casual setting. Signature dishes include cedar plank salmon, blue ahi tuna, and certified Angus tenderloin. The restaurant’s ever-changing seasonal menu focuses on locally farmed cuisine. The menu also includes wood-oven pizzas, pastas, and meat entrées, with large portion sizes. Since 2002, the wine selection has received the ‘Wine Spectator Award of Excellence,’ with over 30 wines available by the glass. The restaurant’s simple appearance covers an exquisite interior complete with luxury stemware and pristine white tablecloths.

  • The Growing Season Juice Collective:

The Growing Season Juice Collective focuses on nutritious, locally sourced meals prepared from scratch. The atmosphere of the restaurant is warm and inviting, with a blackboard menu and local artwork on the walls. There’s a huge window where customers can view the street while eating, as well as an outside patio space that’s available throughout the summer. Other people take their meals to go so they may enjoy the view of the close dock. Blended juices are a trademark dish, as the restaurant’s name suggests, but the menu also includes salads, soups, wraps, and daily specials.

  • Masala Grille:

Masala Grille is largely recoznised with launching the city’s international restaurant scene, spurring the opening of a slew of additional ethnically varied eateries in its aftermath. The restaurant, which is housed in an exquisite old manse, has a vast space adorned with wonderful Indian decor, including various handicrafts and tapestries for sale. Three Indian cooks provide the restaurant’s Indian and Thai cuisine, which includes beef, lamb, poultry, fish, vegetables, paneer, rice, and noodle dishes. The spices are imported from India, while most of the food is acquired locally. Small cooking courses and special ‘Tandoori Nights,’ during which meats and seafood are prepared for customers in the restaurant’s tandoori clay oven, are held on occasion.

If you want more details and similar contents, do follow me and make sure to comment your’s favourite restaurant in Thunder Bay.

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Where is he?

Nobody knows what really happened to Captain America. There are many theories regarding Captain America. Here are the top three theories according to the easter eggs as per the MCU movies till date. Make sure to check the video and comment your thoughts.

Existence of Captain?

Have you ever imagine what would have happened after Captain returning back to place the infinity stones? Why he was shown an old Captain returning the shield to Falcon for a few minutes in Endgame? Here are the answer to these questions through my imagination? Comment yours own imagination.

Is Captain America really on the Moon or Dead?

As of now, we know that Captain went to return the infinity stones to their correct places but didn’t come back. People believed that Captain is dead or hiding on a secret base on the moon. But In Avengers: Endgame, we see an old Captain giving his shield to the Falcon, which again raises the question among the fans that Captain came back or where he was? In the series, Torres said to the Falcon that people believed he went to a secret base to the moon. But Falcon denied it.
In the movie Captain America, when Steve came back from the ice, he was writing something on the dairy where it was written “moon landing”.
But in Spider-Man Homecoming, we see that Captain America is dead in Avengers: Endgame. Hence, Does Captain America is really on the Moon or Dead? But I believe he is in quantum time living his life with his wife Peggy Carter and watching the avengers. He is in a different time zone because when Hulk went back to get the time stone Ancient One told when we take one stone away, it creates another dimension and time zone. This means that Captain went back to place all the stones at their original places and never placed the space stone at its original position and is living his life there. Therefore, we saw him grown old and returning the shield.