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Company’s Secret for A/B Testing

A/B testing is a process of randomly placing two or more variables of a marketing campaign in a different audience to find the maximum number of engagements and impressions among the customers. The three examples of companies that have successfully used A/B testing are: WallMonkeys WallMonkeys is a company that sells a unique and diverse…


Across the world, Hideo is waking up in the land of the rising sun thinking it is a normal day, little does he know that the world is going to change around him. He put on the tv to double back on what had been going on in the world. Aside from Afghanistan starting to…

The Top 3 Restaurants in Thunder Bay, Canada

Restaurants in Thunder Bay are progressively recognizing the varied skills of the city’s residents, providing food from across the world with a northern Canadian touch. The abundance of farms and clean lakes in this area are helping to foster a flourishing locavore sector. Here are some of the best places to eat in Thunder Bay,…

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